With the growth of technology and internet use, the media has become central to the ways in which environmental issues are communicated to and understood by the public, on a local and global scale. Whether through photographs, documentaries, advertising or news articles, we are made aware of the challenges that face our planet like never before. Scientists, environmental organisations, businesses…
Category: University of Brighton
Class of 2023 BA Media and Environmental Communication -Welcome!!
We would like to welcome you onto the BA (Hons) Media and Environmental Communication course. We are looking forward to meeting you and to support you through this first year of your degree. Welcome Week will take place between Monday the 28th of Sep. and Friday 2nd of October. This will involve activities which will give you the opportunity to…
MEC: learning to question our world and spark real change in it, by Katy Ensch, MEC student
By Katy Ensch, 1st year MEC student. Well, undoubtedly 2020 is a strange year for everyone. Although approaching 25 years of age this has also been my first year of University. However, despite the lockdown and everything else going on in the world, I’m really happy with how it’s gone. And I’m already excited to start the second year of…
Climate Action 13th March 2020
The UK Student Climate Network (UKSCN) has called for a day of online and offline protest against the government’s lack of action on the Climate Crisis. You can find information about activities organised by local groups here. And here are some ways in which you can get involved while staying indoors: Make noise in social media – Tweet, Retweet,…
National Union of Students – Everything you need to know about the UCU Strikes this February and March
“[…] staff pay has declined by 17% over a decade, compounded by gendered and racialised pay gaps, they do significant amounts of unpaid work due to the size of workloads and casualisation is becoming an increasing problem. This means that many teaching staff in particular are employed on hourly paid contracts or zero hours ones, with very little job security. UCU are…
Climate, Oceans and Coastal Communities Conference (FREE event)
Save the date! On October the 10th, the University of Brighton is hosting a free conference aiming to understand environmental, economic and social consequences of global warming and climate change among coastal communities, at global and local level. Organised by the Centre for Aquatic United Environments (University of Brighton), Sussex Wildlife Trust and United Nations Association (London and South East),…