Working for Yourself – Part 3: Ask an Accountant
Wednesday 24th February
Live on Teams – join using code: 5kbqacb
At this event Technical Senior Accountant, Michael Awuye from Crunch Accounting Ltd will demystify what an Accountant and a Bookkeeper do, covering topics including:
- the main challenges for a start up
- responsibilities of business owners (sole trader and limited company)
- how much do you pay yourself
- what expenses can you claim
- what taxes do small businesses pay
- top survival tips for people working for themselves
Michael will also be answering your questions so this is the ideal time to ask any finance questions you may have about working for yourself or starting a business.
Please have a think about what you would like to ask. There are no silly questions! If you’d rather not ask the question yourself, then you can send your question(s) directly to Lucy Smith via Teams either in advance or during the event.
The event will be chaired by Milliner, Senior Lecturer in Professional Practice and Qualified Accountant, Joanna Zara.
Find out more about Crunch on their website: