Self Promotion

It is so essential as an upcoming artist to be promotion your work when you can. You need to be different as everyone is using social media and coming up with new ways to promote themselves. TikTok is an upcoming social media site, so I will look into how I can use this platform here.

Two types of promotion include:


This should be ongoing and includes, building your profile, using online media, Instagram, content and updates should be posted, and building a network as well as business time.

“When an artist starts out, often they need to self-initiate exhibitions and projects, as well as be active about applying for opportunities. Though you will likely be initiating some of your own projects throughout your career, everyone hopes that eventually, opportunities will come to you, rather than you having to chase them down. (So you’ll be invited more frequently to participate in exhibitions, residencies, etc). If you don’t promote what you do and make it visible, there is less (if any) chance that this will happen, and a lot of the effort that you put into making your work and projects is wasted.” – Rosalind Davis


This is project specific and should include, building excitement, audience, writing and communicating, and social media campaigns.

“Project-specific promotion might be about getting people to turn up to an exhibition opening or participants to workshops; and ongoing promotional activity which is about being more broadly visible within the arts sector making people aware that you’re out there, making work.” – Laura Eldret

I need to be:

  • Be discoverable
  • Online – website
  • Online – social media profile
  • In person – at events, openings, exhibitions
  • Be ready
  • Be making work
  • Be showing work
  • Be documenting work
  • Keep online profiles up to date § Have business cards (with you!)
  • Be authentic…

So I have decided to make a tiktok and do a day in the life of a photography student! This overall got 600+ views and a company I have previously worked for saw it and asked me to do more work for them! I posted this on my main Instagram as well as my photography account to reach as many people as possible.

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