360 Video and VR drop-in event summary

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Last Friday (Friday 10th March 2017, 11 – 2pm) the eLearning team hosted a collaborative 360 Video & VR event along side the Central Media Services and Marketing teams.

Born out of an initial inquiry from the school of Environment and Technology we decided it was time to explore what facilities we already have, bring interested parties together and find out what interest there may be in using the technology across the University.

Visitors could see demonstrations of existing technologies such as the Ricoh Theta S 360 camera, as well as experience curated examples of 360 videos through VR goggles.

An Oculus Rift was available to try out and visitors could also have a go at creating their own content and viewing the content by building their own Google Cardboard VR Headset.


36 attendees over 3 hours.

Feedback and ideas for use from those attending the event:

  • Great experience
  • Fantastic learning with tangible results
  • New opportunities opened up
  • Could aid in grabbing students attention
  • Provide real life examples Health/engineering/construction
  • Live streaming of events.
  • Use in an open day
  • Creating sports environments (Simulating Exercise)
  • Use in sharing/recording lectures due to attendance being low.
  • Simulating different experiences that help with anxiety, ie flying
  • Student projects introducing 360 presentations
  • Student recruitment raising awareness outreach and uni work beyond the campus
  • Virtual Tours around campus and student accommodation

For more information about the event please contact Katie Piatt (eLearning) or Cameron Paine (Central Media Services)

The QR codes are available to print as a pdf: curated example of 360 videos

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Written by:

I am the Learning Technologies Adviser for Brighton Business School; Environment and Technology; PABS; Art, Design and Media. I am based in the Aldrich Library. My role is to to provide research, guidance and support with the use and implementation of technology in teaching and research. My background is in the creative arts, education and technology and I would see myself as a creative technologist. You can follow me on twitter using @mecurdy To find out more about the technologies and services we support visit the elearning blog: https://blogs.brighton.ac.uk/elearningteam/


  1. 3/15/2017

    I think the Google Cardboard was a test. No instructions but we worked it out.

  2. Tim Vincent

    Thanks for this update, glad it went well, sorry to miss out.

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