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Turnitin White Paper

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Turnitin have just released a White Paper containing results of US based research carried out between July 2011 and June 2012 into the sources most frequently used in student writing. The paper gives an analysis of over 156 million content

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Turnitin relaunch

Turnitin have re-launched, an educational resource on plagiarism and best practices for ensuring originality in written work. The site is aimed at students and writers and includes features like “Ask the Experts”, FAQs, and a resource section with downloadable

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Plagiarism: Stopping word thieves & Academic Integrity : It’s time for talk

Turnitin recently added a couple of video clips to their news page. 

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Does the use of Turnitin deter cheating?

An interesting discussion in the Times Higher.

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#appswap app of the month – June 2016 – coming soon

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