Polleverywhere, the online real time voting system used at the University, has released some new features that have extended it’s usability. Mobile app for Andriod and Apple iOS, Improved pollev.com browser experience, Simpler registration for participants, New types of polls …

Pollverywhere: New features! Read more »

Hello there, this is Fiona MacNeill the new Learning Technologies Adviser for the Falmer campus. I am using this post to introduce myself, my work background and a few tidbits about me. During my induction period I am based both …

Greetings from Fiona – new LTA for the Falmer campus Read more »

How can I engage my students during face to face sessions using my studentcentral material? This article looks at how you can use your existing materials and modules on studentcentral to engage your students during face to face seminars and …

Engaging students using Blackboard Mobile Learn Read more »