Re-blog: Top 5 Wellness Apps by SLTA, Mia Chapman

This blog post was originally published on Mia Chapman’s personal blog [16/02/16].


Top 5 Tuesday: Wellness Apps

Today I am attending an app swap as part of my job as a Student Learning Technologies Ambassador at the University of Brighton. The theme of the swap is accessibility and in preparation, I have been testing out mindfulness and well-being apps during my final assignment period. I tried 12 apps over the period of 6 weeks and have found five which really stood out and helped me cope with stress and anxiety at this busy time.

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Last summer I bought myself the Calm book which is full of mindfulness tips and activities – I absolutely loved it! This meant I was very excited when I found out that there was also an app and this is one which I was using before I started testing wellness apps, still making my top five…

Read the rest of this post at Mia’s blog: