Pollverywhere: New features!

polleverywhere mobile app icon

Polleverywhere, the online real time voting system used at the University, has released some new features that have extended it’s usability.

  • Mobile app for Andriod and Apple iOS,
  • Improved pollev.com browser experience,
  • Simpler registration for participants,
  • New types of polls – Clickable image and Discourse,
  • And polls now support LaTeX Syntax (for Maths equations) and Foreign Languages.

As an increasing number of students own smart phones or mobile devices and with the extension of wifi across the University, the opportunity to use apps and browsers to participate in voting is replacing the need to SMS text. This has been a trend across the sector and Polleverywhere has released both an app and updated their pollev.com browser voting tool in response to this.

New Polleverywhere App for iOS and Android. The app can be used by both participants and presenters. The app should help you load polls more quickly, and allows presenters to create a poll on the fly during a class and make clickable image polls using pictures taken on your smart phone.

The browser voting option at pollev.com has also been improved and it’s now easier for participants to register with polleverywhere, which is particularly useful if you want to keep track of the responses individuals make on your polls during a session.

You might also like to read the short case studies on the use of polleverywhere in higher education.Use cases in Higher Education. 

New question types: The clickable image option allows you to upload an image and ask participants to click on part of the image in response to the question. The discourse poll allows participants to vote particular answers up or down in the list.

To find out more about using Polleverywhere in your teaching at the University of Brighton, read about how to get a University username and password for the system.