Best Practice Guidelines and Known Issues in the Blackboard upgrade

Downloading/Uploading the Grade Centre

  • Issue – Uploading grades from a spreadsheet not displaying grades – When uploading grades to the studentcentral Grade Centre, from a downloaded spreadsheet, the feedback appears but the grades do not and instead are displaying an ‘in progress’ icon. Workaround – Continue to enter the grades and feedback into the spreadsheet and upload as normal (as this uploads the feedback) but then manually input the grades. NBFix expected before October

Student access to Grade Centre columns

  • The new interface allows students to see any available Grade Centre columns via the new Global Navigation Menu, please make sure you use the ‘Hide from students’ function if you don’t want them to see their grades.

Preferred Web Browser

  • Do not use Internet Explorer as this has some known issues with the latest version of studentcentral. For an optimal experience, we recommend you use Firefox.

studentcentral on firefox


There are some display oddities with the Turnitin integration in studentcentral for instructors.

It may help to close the additional navigation bar, if not please try a different browser if you find it unworkable. We are currently investigating this issue.


Katie is the eLearning Services Manager at the University of Brighton.