Camtasia Relay (v4) now with added captions and Fuse app for mobile devices

Camtasia Relay has just got better and mobile.  The new version allows captioning (albeit rather strange at first but easily editable) plus there is a free app for your mobile device.  The app enables you to record a short video message for your students or create a quick how-to video of a complex procedure for example.

To learn more about both and download documentation, go to our Camtasia Relay page here or watch this great little video from our own Katie

I have been working in the Educational Technology field within Higher Education for eleven years. A big part of my job is finding new and innovative ways of integrating technology into current teaching and learning methodology. This can include assisting academic staff with Virtual Learning Environments/Learning Management Systems (Blackboard), implementing specific software packages, maximising current technologies and championing new ones. I find this profession both riveting and rewarding. I really enjoy life on the cutting edge, but I also enjoy being able to help staff achieve small and meaningful efficiencies; sometimes that makes all the difference.