Txttools becomes Connecttxt! More than a change of name…


We’ve had a licence to use Txttools, an SMS text messaging service at the University for a couple of years now and  at the start of 2012 the company was taken over by Blackboard, who provide the software that runs studentcentral. This inevitably meant a change to name and Txttools has been rebranded as Connecttxt.

But more than that, the next 12 months will see some exciting developments in what you can do with the texting service with the introduction of Smart Messaging.

At a recent webinar, representatives at Connecttxt explained what to expect in the coming year:

Smart Messaging is the big news! This will provide the ability to undertake Instant Messaging (IM) Chat with students and will support chat in Facebook, Google and Jabber.

Multi-Media Messaging (MMS) will enable you to send messages with video, photos and PDFs.

With so many web based channels for students to communicate in, such as Twitter and Facebook, the developers at Connecttxt see building the means to deliver messages to a students preferred network as an essential component of messaging services, allowing you to reach your students using one tool.

If you’d like to find out more about using text messaging to communicate with your students at the University take a look at the Connecttxt support page.