jules and dani group tutorial

I had a group reflection with Jules and Dani on our progress with the project, I received helpful feedback and inspiration from them as well as the other students in my group tutorial, which helped motivate my research project even more. I explained to them my progress so far and they recommend looking more into contextual sides to my project, once I explained that I was interested in documentary photography, reality and rave cultures, I was recommended that I should look more into archival photographs, recommending things like:

  • The peoples archive (via. instagram)
  • British culture archives : riots and gatherings
  • Pymca archive
  • youth archive.
  • Anthony price01.
  • Cold archieve.
  • Collective joys ;the idea of workship.
  • Tara st hill

My next steps are to look more into artist based around my contextual research, maybe create mood boards and reflect on chosen artist and then look into recommended artist research.

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