Education studies and teaching courses at Brighton news

Virtual classroom software

Blackboard Collaborative is an online platform which helps create virtual classrooms. City College have been using the platform for visiting speakers for their Post Compulsory Education PGCE students. It was recently used by leading teaching methods expert Geoff Petty to input to a year 2 class on their professional project, answer questions and to promote teacher development groups. The image…

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City College curriculum leader Tom Dowds on Post Compulsory Education PGCE

“Eight of the ten teachers on my team have all been trained through the Post Compulsory Education PGCE at the College. I now prefer to recruit people with recent and comprehensive industry experience, but no teaching experience, and put them through the training internally than to take experienced teachers who have worked elsewhere.

Train to Teach Advice Evening

Become an inspirational teacher with the University of Brighton’s School of Education. If you have a degree, or will shortly be graduating, why not join us at our advice evening on Tuesday 4 March 2014 and find out how you can help inspire the next generation. We offer PGCE and School Direct routes into teaching for primary…

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