Education studies and teaching courses at Brighton news

screen shot of The Conversation website

Learning through adventure: the many skills that can be taught outside the classroom

“Learning outside the classroom through adventurous activities is known to have significant educational benefits. It helps children develop technical, intellectual and social skills by overcoming challenges and sharing decisions.” This is the view of Principal Lecturer Dr Gary Stidder, leader of the Physical Education PGCE, in an article he has written for The Conversation. Read…

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students with the thoughts board

Student Voice Week

The School of Education held its first Student Voice Week in December. The event was designed in consultation with students with the aim of gaining a deeper understanding of how School of Education students understand the term ‘student voice’ and their experiences of it during their study-lives. Dr Richard Wallis, Associate Dean in the School…

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Michael with head teacher Chris Pearson and his award

Our ‘Outstanding’ Apprentice of the Year

A teacher who brings something extra special to the classroom has been crowned Apprentice of the Year in the Sussex Business Awards. Michael Lowe, who successfully completed his Postgraduate Teaching Apprenticeship at the University of Brighton, completed the programme while at Goldstone Primary School and he is now a fully qualified teacher at the school….

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Train to teach event 20 Nov

Train to Teach event 20 November

Join us on Wednesday 20 November for our Train to teach event from 4.30pm – 7.30pm to find out more about courses available and training to teach at Brighton. Find out more on the University of Brighton website. Become a teacher and inspire the next generation – there’s no better place to train than the…

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Jigsaw puzzle illustrating the four mentoring options

Mentoring opportunities

“Mentoring is a one-to-one, non-judgemental relationship in which an individual voluntarily gives time to support and encourage another. This relationship is typically developed at a time of transition in the mentee’s life and lasts for a period of time” At the University of Brighton we offer a range of mentoring opportunities to help you get…

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Glyndebourne work 2017

Trainees embark on exciting Glyndebourne opportunity

Two of our (Secondary) Art and Design PGCE trainees have been selected by world-leading opera house Glyndebourne to take part in the 2019 Visual Artist teacher residency this summer.


PGCE students display outstanding work

Our talented (secondary) Religious Studies, Art and Design and Geography PGCE students have been displaying their impressive work and that of their pupils.

Geography PGCE trip 1

Geography PGCE students partake in local fieldwork opportunity

This February our (Secondary) PGCE Geography students partook in beneficial local fieldwork to provide practical experience that has enabled further skills.  Trainees planned, ran and delivered a piece of fieldwork in the local area to Pupil Premium pupils from three local schools within our partnership. This comprised of our students:

Glyndebourne work 2017

Applications now open for unmissable opportunity at Glyndebourne!

World-class opera house, Glyndebourne, is offering two residencies to our (Secondary) Art and Design PGCE students. Teaching Artists 2019 is an outstanding opportunity taking place this summer, following two successful years of collaboration between the University of Brighton and Glyndebourne to provide a residency for two Art and Design PGCE students. Successful applicants will have…

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Geography PGCE trip 1

Geography PGCE students visit Flatford Mill

As they embarked on their journey as PGCE trainees, our (Secondary) Geography PGCE students visited Flatford Mill in Suffolk to train to deliver fieldwork to key stage pupils and support the A level independent study (NEA). Flatford Mill is a location of the Field Studies Council (FSC), providing environmental understanding in the form of fieldwork…

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