Education studies and teaching courses at Brighton news

imge of the conference poster

Postgraduate Education Research Conference

Over 70 students and staff from our postgraduate education programmes came together for a day of sharing research developments and successes on the Falmer campus.

Programmes represented were the Education MA, Education MRes, Professional Doctorate in Education (EdD) and PhD.

The theme of this year’s conference was Our methodological stance and our research decisions.

Key note presentations came from the School of Education’s Dr Aly Colman and Erica Evans. We were also delighted to hear from Andy Townsend, Associate Professor in Educational Leadership at the University of Nottingham.

Erica Evans giving her keynote

Erica Evans giving her keynote

Current students presented their work in progress through posters and round table presentations and doctoral students and MA graduates presented papers.

There were also methodology workshops on The Notion of ‘Voice’ in Research, Narrative Research and Case Study and Mixed Methods.

Conference coordinator Dr Mark Price commented: “The highlight of this year’s conference was not only the quality of all the presentations, but also the clear evidence of the vibrant postgrad education research community that has developed here at Brighton in recent years.

“It’s fantastic to see the way that this is impacting on educational leadership and practice in so many contexts.”

The annual Falmer-based conference in June is held in parallel to our partner conference at the Mauritius Institute of Education in April.

Kerry Burnett • June 24, 2019

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