Education studies and teaching courses at Brighton news

Primary Education with QTS Facebook Group

Applying to university and deciding which course to study can be tough, but here at Brighton, the School of Education is using social media to offer applicants extra support and advice.

The school is using private Facebook groups as a forum where applicants are able to ask student ambassadors and staff any questions they may have and to also share advice with other prospective students looking to start their teacher training in the same academic year.

The group was introduced by Pippa Totraku, Senior Admissions Co-ordinator who started using Facebook more than five years ago as a means of being able to communicate directly with applicants.

Pippa said: “I wanted to use technology that applicants were familiar with and Facebook was the perfect platform. Through the group we are able to answer prospective student’s questions and ease any worries they may have about coming to university.

“They are also able to speak with student ambassadors who can share their first-hand experiences which applicants find really helpful.”

Applicants can join the Facebook group here:

Christina Camm • February 19, 2018

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