Education studies and teaching courses at Brighton news

New publication from School of Education staff

Mike Hayler and Jess Moriarty are editors of the newly published book: Self-Narrative and Pedagogy: Stories of experience within teaching and learning.

Published by Sense, the book contains ten chapters by teachers from a variety of locations and backgrounds who reflect upon their journeys into and within teaching. The book also includes a chapter written by Holly Taylor, a recent graduate from our Education BA (Hons) and PGCE courses. Each of the authors discuss the impact of their diverse experiences on the ways in which they work as educators at various phases of education from the early years through to university and beyond.

By adopting a variety of autoethnographic approaches in telling stories of transition and profound transformation they each discuss how certain events in their lives have shaped their professional identities and methods of teaching. The authors offer illumination from a number of perspectives, of how practitioners of education make meaning of their lives and work in our changing times.

The book will be useful for teachers and teacher educators, students of education, and all researchers interested in autoethnography and self-narrative.

The book is dedicated to the memory of our late and much-missed colleague, Kevin Fossey.

Christina Camm • March 27, 2017

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