Education studies and teaching courses at Brighton news

Another succesful year for Education BA(Hons)

We’re delighted to report on the following:

Outstanding results

2013 Education BA(Hons) students graduated with the following:

  • 1st class hons 22%
  • 2:1 44%
  • 2:2: 34%

No students were awarded 3rd class.

Unistats data

Unistats is the offical website for comparing higher education courses. It takes data from the annual National Students Survey and produces a Key Information Set (KIS). Here’s what the site says about Education BA(Hons) at the University of Brighton, one of the best rated courses available in the UK:

  • Overall satisfaction with the quality of the course 97%
  • Staff are good at explaining things 100%
  • Staff are enthusiastic about what they teach 100%
  • The course is intellectually stimulating 97%
  • The course is well organised and is running smoothly 100%

Read more on the Unistats website.

Kerry Burnett • March 6, 2014

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