Early Careers Teachers

A resource for early career teachers and alumni


Teaching and Learning

Teaching resources

These guidance reports from the Education Endowment Foundation provide clear and actionable recommendations for teachers on a range of high priority issues, based on the best available evidence including reports about curriculum subjects, SEND, behaviour management and use of TAs.

50 templates for improving teaching and learning (word doc)

Good PowerPoint tips (word doc)

Stretch and Challenge resources (word doc)

Questioning resources

Do my questions encourage higher thinking? (word doc)

Strategies and Activities for Questioning (word doc)

Bloom’s Taxonomy provides an important framework for teachers to use to focus on
higher order thinking.

English as an Additional Language

EAL toolkit (PowerPoint doc – 4MB)

Emma Parsons – a Bell Foundation associate –  recommends effective induction procedures, an EAL assessment tool, and differentiation strategies and resources for use in the classroom.

Planning resources to support EAL teaching from the Bell Foundation

Resources to support EAL teaching from NALDIC (National Association for Language Development in the Curricilum)

Planning resources

This powerpoint by Shirley Clarke show how the use of learning objectives and success criteria support learning

Plenary cards (PowerPoint doc – 1MB)

Read Learning objectives and success criteria (TS2c TS4a) – PRIMARY/Yr7/8 from the Action Plan Menus tab

Mini plenaries provide an opportunity for teachers to check and assess understanding so that misconceptions can be addressed and successes shared to ensure progress. Mini white boards are an excellent tool to facilitate this. This article on the features of an effective plenary also gives practical strategies.

Assessment Resources

The latest information about assessment in EYFS, KS1 and KS2 from the Standards and Testing Agency

Information and practical advice from the Cambridge International Education
Teaching and Learning Team about Assessment for Learning. You will find clear information about the difference between formative and summative assessment; links to research by John Hattie, Dylan Wiliam and Carol Dweck; information and videos on assessment for learning in practice and peer, self and teacher feedback.

Informative and practical books to read:

  • Outstanding Formative Assessment by Shirley Clarke ISBN 978-1-471-82947-5    Here is a link to Shirley Clarke’s website.
  • Perfect Assessment for Learning by Claire Gadsby ISBN 978-178135002-7            Here is a link to Claire Gadsby’s website

Plickers is a free online assessment tool to provide on-the-spot data. Teachers can download the Plickers App and pupils use a card to show their answers.

Behaviour Management Support

This is a link to Charlie Taylor’s behaviour checklists.

The Behaviour2learn website provides a wealth of videos to support the development of positive behaviour in the classroom.

Stonewall is designed to empower teachers and education professionals to tackle homophobia, biphobia and transphobia in schools and colleges. There are free resources to support you with this.

Edutopia contains a range of articles which will give you strategies for building positive classroom communities that engage learners and help to manage disruptive behaviours.


NASEN (National Association for Special Educational Needs) is a membership charity organisation that supports all education practitioners. They provide resources on a range of topics within the sector.

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