This listing has been compiled by Prof Lou Taylor and Dr Charlotte Nicklas, and was achieved only through the generous help of all curators and managers whose collections  are introduced here. It was launched on the occasion of the Costume Society’s Annual Symposium at Eastbourne in July 2011, aiming to celebrate and publicise the wealth and richness of museum and other dress/textiles collections in the South, South East and South West of England.

This listing provides key evidence of the cultural significance and historical importance of these collections. Whilst some are well known, others are not, yet all contain precious objects of local, regional and national significances, and research indicates that every one of  the collections listed here is rich in significant examples which are just as well worth studying as more internationally known collections.

We stress that all images are copyrighted to the museums which own these artefacts and that requests for reproduction permission rights must be made directly to curators or museum managers.


Please download the pdf of the complete listing, where you will also find contact details.

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