Author Archives: Mohammed Atif Raja

Unlock The Secrets Too Viral Marketing

                                                                   Source:(Google,2017) Viral Marketing Defined Encourages others to pass on messages to more individuals, emphasised by (Fidgeon,2004). A strategy that use relationships by the “word of mouth” to promote products and services (Yeoman, 2014). However, (York,2016) defines viral as messages rapidly … Continue reading

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Source:(Ishani,2015) YouTube Interesting stats? YouTube is a website platform that enables users can share and watch videos (gcflearnfree,2017). Interestingly, YouTube within 2011 was the “2nd most popular website” (Scott, 2011).   Source:(Youtube,2017)                                                             Source:(KEARNY,2017) What is an Influencer? The fact is … Continue reading

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Mobile App Gamification-Becoming Ready For Tomorrow’s Business World!

                                                            Source: (Google,2016) Smartphone Figures Incredibly figures estimated represents, mobile smart phones users are increasing from 1.5 billion in 2014 to 2.5 billion users within 2019 across the globe (Statista, 2016 & Kissonergis,2015). An estimated 5 million mobile apps were … Continue reading

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Different search results for searching different languages

Digital Marketing Workshop 3 Digital marketing workshop lecture 3 was asked to search different languages for the same keywords used. In order to find out what results Google provided? I found the articles were all different! I was searching for … Continue reading

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Building An Effective Email Marketing Campaign

Source: (Alam,2016) Email Marketing Email marketing is believed to have outperformed social media by 60% reflected by internet marketers (Zhel,2016). However, one could argue the credibility and reputation of the author. Furthermore, is there other evidence online that supports this claim. E-mail marketing is considered … Continue reading

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IKEA case study

                                                                                                                                                                 Ikea at a glace Ikea is a well known as a multinational organisation. This business sells is known for being the largest furniture retailer.Overall this organsiation employees over 160,000 employees around the globe. This business has a presence of … Continue reading

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Asher Digital Marketing

Hi I am in a awesome class about digital marketing.

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Hello world!

Welcome to your brand new blog at University of Brighton Blog Network. To get started, simply log in, edit or delete this post and check out all the other options available to you. For assistance, visit our comprehensive support site … Continue reading

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