IKEA case study

                                                                                                                                                                 Ikea at a glace

Ikea is a well known as a multinational organisation. This business sells is known for being the largest furniture retailer.Overall this organsiation employees over 160,000 employees around the globe. This business has a presence of 365 stores available in 45 countries. The case study Ikea at a glance focuses on like minded people that discuss people and technology creating a agency within Ikea known as thew socialisers. They discuss that social media represents an opportunity for IKEA to forge relationships within its customers.  IKEA socialisers groups suggests that the organistion can benefit, from real time insights, sharing information with teams. In order for information to be acted upon. IKEA obstacle was to establish a broader cultural shift around the involvement of sharing and governance. IKEA overall has been very involved with a wide variety of platforms for thier social media presence. This includes Twittter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Youtube, Pinterest, blogs, websites, online forums and news sites. The case study recognised that the US market was making more complaints by the use of Facebook. Whereas the UK was more attached to using Forums.

Ikea using social media

Marketing used by IKEA

Takeways from chosen article:

  • By using Social media adds Ikea is able to add customer value and grabs consumers attention.
  • IKEA has a vital opportunity to interact with real time data to react to consumers needs.
  • Organisations can enchance thier presence by the use of Social Media
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