Assoc. Prof. Vedran Zerjav (UCL)
18th February 2021
MS Teams
Project scholarship suggests that an increasing volume of activity in organisations, economies and societies occurs in the form of temporary projects. The aim of the stream of work is to build a contextual understanding that addresses the long-standing question of “Why business organisations participate in projects”. Discussing value creation, capture and destruction patterns for the owner, project-based firm and the temporary project domains of project organising, we develop a typology of project value domains for business organisations.
Vedran Zerjav is an Associate Professor of Infrastructure Project Management in the Bartlett, UCL. His is a scholar of projects with an interest in a range of organisational issues in project-based organisational forms. His main areas of interest include strategic, operational and value considerations in projects and his empirical focus is on urban infrastructure and its delivery. He is a qualitative researcher with an interest in hybrid and novel methodologies for project studies.