We are pleased to announce a new series of CDH research seminars entitled IOTA II (image-object-text-analysis). These events are open to all, but see below for registration for book launch events
CDH IOTA II Seminars 2024
17th April
Prof Deirdre Pretorius, University of Johannesburg/Visiting Research Fellow, Centre for Design History, University of Brighton
“Graphic Design for Protest and Resistance in South Africa: The posters of Trish de Villiers”
Design Lab, Mithras House 111, Moulsecoomb, 3.30-4.30pm [please note updated time and location]
17th April
Prof Darren Newbury and Prof Annebella Pollen, University of Brighton
Joint book launch for Cold War Photographic Diplomacy: The U.S. Information Agency and Africa, by Darren Newbury (Penn State UP, 2024), and Art without Frontiers: The Story of the British Council, Visual Arts and a Changing World, by Annebella Pollen (Art/Books, 2024).
M2, Grand Parade, City Campus, 6-8pm
Please book via the CDH blog to help us plan refreshments
1st May
Harriet Atkinson, Verity Clarkson, Yunah Lee, Megha Rajguru, University of Brighton, and Sarah Lichtman, Pratt Institute
Joint book launch for Design and Modernity in Asia: National Identity and Transnational Exchanges, edited by Yunah Lee and Megha Rajguru (Bloomsbury, 2022), and Exhibitions Beyond Boundaries: Transnational Exchanges Through Art, Architecture and Design from 1945, edited by Harriet Atkinson, Verity Clarkson and Sarah Lichtman (Pratt) (Bloomsbury, 2022).
Online, 1-2.30pm [please note change of format]
Please contact us at centrefordesignhistory@brighton.ac.uk to join us online.
16th May
Prof Neelam Raina, Middlesex University
“Creativity and Culture that addresses Global Challenges: South Asia”
Design Lab, Mithras House 111, Moulsecoomb, 4-5.30pm
3rd June
Sue Breakell, Kate Guy, Hajra Williams, Claire Wintle, University of Brighton and Wendy Russell, British Film Institute
Joint book launch for The Materiality of the Archive: Creative Practice in Context, edited by Sue Breakell and Wendy Russell (Routledge, 2023) and Histories of Exhibition Design in the Museum: Makers, Process, and Practice, edited by Kate Guy, Hajra Williams and Claire Wintle (Routledge, 2023)
M2, Grand Parade, City Campus, 6-8pm
Please book via the CDH blog to help us plan refreshments
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