Legacy site of former centre, which closed in 2023

Author Sam Carroll

PhD Student Sijuade Yusuf describes her research ‘Using social media to build gender equality in Nigeria’

Facebook, story-telling and the struggle for gender equality in Nigeria PhD research student, Sijuade Yusuf, is investigating how the use of storytelling on Facebook is one of the tools being used to empower women and build gender equality in Nigeria…. Continue Reading →

Siju Yusuf: PhD student with the centre for Digital Cultures and Innovation

Sijuade Yusuf is a PhD student researching the use of social media for addressing gender inequality in sub-Saharan Africa. Following her first degree in Agricultural Science, Sijuade spent eight years working in banking in Nigeria, where she became increasingly aware… Continue Reading →

Kelly Rebecca Prime: PhD Student with the Centre for Digital Cultures and Innovation

Smart meters, energy justice and cutting carbon emissions. Kelly is a PhD research student who is looking into the future of smart meters in the UK, and how policy around their introduction will impact on their effectiveness for creating energy… Continue Reading →

Opportunity: Student Social Media Assistant, Centre for Digital Cultures and Innovation

The Centre for Digital Cultures and Innovation (CDCI) seeks to appoint a University of Brighton postgraduate student as a Social Media Assistant who will help us to build our social media presence to enhance our profile, reach new audiences, develop… Continue Reading →

Artist Caleb Madden describes his site-specific installation ‘Spectral Aesthetics’

Spectral Aesthetics: Old Ghosts in a New World Caleb Madden is an artist, lecturer, curator and noise theorist, in the final stages of completing his PhD with the Centre for Digital Cultures and Innovation (CDCI). Here he talks about his… Continue Reading →

PrEP: A new app that helps prevent HIV

After 8 years of lobbying and campaigning by HIV activist and advocacy organisations, PrEP became available in England in 2020. PrEP, or Pre-exposure Prophylaxis, is a medicine for people at risk of acquiring HIV from sex or injection drug use…. Continue Reading →

Caleb Madden: PhD student with the Centre for Digital Cultures and Innovation

Caleb Madden is an artist, lecturer, curator and noise theorist, in the final stages of completing his PhD with the Centre for Digital Cultures and Innovation (CDCI). His interest in noise theory began when he was a teenage musician, interested… Continue Reading →

The EmERGE legacy: Digital healthcare support for HIV

Between 2015 and 2020 the Horizon 2020 funded EmERGE project co-designed, developed, implemented and evaluated an mHealth platform to support people living with HIV. The technology is now being used on a commercial, not-for-profit basis in the UK and in… Continue Reading →

All The World’s A Screen

We all know that the Covid pandemic has had an enormous impact on the performing arts, but we’re still learning how this has changed contemporary practices and what the future might hold in terms of creating engaging online performance. When… Continue Reading →

CDCI Symposium: Researching and intervening in digital inequalities.

Centre for Digital Cultures and Innovation (CDCI), University of Brighton. Online Symposium. Wednesday 10th November, 2pm – 4pm. A recording of the Keynote presentation for this event is now available. See link below. Researching and intervening in digital inequalities: shifting objects, shifting… Continue Reading →

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