Logo for University of Brighton Centre for Digital Cultures and Innovation

The Centre for Digital Media Cultures has changed its name to Centre for Digital Cultures and Innovation (CDCI). Our email address remains the same CORE-digital@brighton.ac.uk

Our identity as a transdisciplinary group with research interests and expertise in processes of digitalization and datafication, as we encounter these through our art, media, health, education, computer science, policy, social science and humanities research, remains unchanged.

What we hope will change is the recognition that many of us in the centre are engaged in processes of digital innovation through which we contribute to the design, development and implementation of digital tools and technologies in a wide range of contexts.  Our aim is for this message to reach potential PGRs, and in so doing, open up the types of projects and supervision opportunities the centre supports.  The foundations of what we do remain unchanged: we continue to promote critical enquiry into processes of innovation and foster excellence in inclusive innovation practice aimed at intervening in historic, socio-economic and colonial injustice.

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