various archive materials laid out on a table

The University of Brighton Design Archives (UoBDA) and the Centre for Design History (CDH) at the University of Brighton invite applications for a funded International Visiting Research Fellow (VRF) to spend time at the Design Archives and the CDH in the academic year 2024/25 to pursue their research within UoBDA’s collections and within CDH’s themes, and to form collaborations with the Design Archives and with CDH members.

Applications close at 5pm GMT on Thursday 19 September 2024


The University of Brighton Design Archives and the Centre for Design History

The University of Brighton Design Archives is a world-renowned resource for twentieth century design history and works closely with CDH. Our unique collections and distinctive principle of research-led engaged stewardship generate critical reflection on a diverse range of collection-based practices and disciplinary fields. At the heart of our mission is the mobilisation of archival content to enrich and refine understandings of design and its social contexts over time.

CDH examines the production and consumption of visual and material culture – images and things – in their widest social and cultural contexts across diverse histories and geographies. We apply a cross-disciplinary perspective to understand how design in all its forms has shaped things, spaces and actions across time. Our members contribute to an ‘expanded field’ of design history that embraces the conjunction of professional and non-professional practices; digital and analogue artefacts; the de-centring of design practice away from the singular object to complex ecologies, objects and systems, and the role of design and material culture in everyday life. We are committed to taking global perspectives on how colonial and post-colonial narratives of design have been constructed and to redressing what voices and practices these exclude.

CDH research is currently grouped around five thematic strands:

  • Fashion and dress histories
  • Graphic design histories
  • Transnational design histories
  • Museums, archives and exhibitions
  • Sustainability


We are also currently developing a research specialism in Activism. Cutting across these themes, we are committed to researching approaches and practices that decentre cultural privilege and engage with the University’s Global Challenges agenda and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. We particularly welcome applications that address these areas.

CDH comprises over 50 members including artists and designers, archivists and curators, activists and academics from PhDs to Professors. We have a vibrant research community and a rich programme of seminars, workshops and conferences. For detail of recent CDH activities, see our lively blog.


The Opportunity

This fellowship is for a project that specifically focusses on Design Archives collections and/or design archives in theory and practice. This is an opportunity for an established researcher in receipt of a doctorate or equivalent professional experience (If you have been awarded a PhD within the past 24 months, see the CDH Post Doctoral VRF call).

The aims of the UoBDA/CDH International Visiting Research Fellow scheme are to:

* provide an external researcher with an opportunity to immerse themselves in CDH’s research culture

* offer an opportunity for an external researcher to work collaboratively with the Design Archives

* foster international networks for research in design history and archival practice

* develop a stimulating intellectual environment for advancing collaborative projects and publications

* support a Visiting Research Fellow to deliver a seminar on their research during their visit, giving researchers a platform to present their current and emerging work

The Funding

The Design Archives provides financial support to cover travel, accommodation, and research-related expenses. The funding available includes:

  • Up to £1000 for general travel, accommodation, and research costs.* Expenses must conform to the University of Brighton’s financial regulations and quotes should be sought from the University’s partner travel agents in the first instance (further info will be provided later in the application process).

No salary or stipend is included in the fellowship, so please ensure you have enough funds to cover the remaining expenses associated with your visit. The Design Archives also covers an administrative fee of £200 as part of the funding, in addition to the fund for expenses. CDH/UoBDA Visiting Research Fellowships run for a period of four months (November-February or March to July). Fellows are not expected to reside in Brighton for the duration of their fellowship, but will be required to visit Brighton to benefit from and contribute to our research community (stays are usually expected to last between one week and two months).

Visiting Research Fellows will have access to: 

* CDH and Design Archives research training events and activities

* a sponsor (a member of CDH academic staff) plus CDH administrative support – this is in addition to guidance from the Archive Director.

* the University of Brighton Design Archives Reading Room (appointments must be booked in advance of your stay to ensure availability)

* a University of Brighton campus card, which enables access to University facilities and resources, such as the library

* Information Services (including libraries) and to computer, printing and copying facilities

* a University of Brighton email address

In addition to conducting their research, Visiting Research Fellows will be expected to: 

* contribute to the CDH’s vibrant research community

* contribute a post to the CDH’s blog

* give a seminar on their research open to all staff and students

For visa purposes, where needed, CDH can provide a letter with the formal start / end dates plus an outline of the specifics of the role.

How to Apply

Applicants for the UoBDA/CDH Fellowship are asked to contact Sue Breakell, Archive Director, in advance of submission to discuss their proposal –

Potential applicants are then invited to submit a CV and detailed proposal (c. 500 words) that addresses the following criteria:

  • Their proposed contribution to the Centre for Design History and the Design Archives’ research culture
  • The alignment between their research project and research interests of the Centre for Design History and Design Archives
  • The collaborative activities and outcomes expected during the fellowship including quality and feasibility

Proposals should include:

  • A comprehensive outline of the research to be conducted.
  • Details of the collaborative activities and outcomes to be delivered during the fellowship.
  • An indication of how the expenses will be utilised (please note that Any Fellowship-related costs need to be settled by 15th July 2025, and must meet the University expenses policy, available on request).
  • The duration and format of the planned fellowship, including your plans to be in Brighton. Please indicate your preferred VRF period (November-February or March to July), taking into account of the notifcation date and any visa processes.
  • A c.200-word statement of support from a sponsor at the CDH, demonstrating their investment in the collaboration outlined in the proposal.

Please note: If your project does not focus on the collections at the University of Brighton Design Archives specifically, refer to the CDH International VRF Scheme.

Please note: all offers of Visiting Research Fellowships are subject to the confirmation of research budgets (expected in October 2024) and must be approved by the University’s central Research and Knowledge Exchange team following the Centre for Design History’s selection process.

Informal enquiries about CDH VRFs can be directed to the CDH Director, Dr Claire Wintle Applicants are advised to contact a sponsor amongst the CDH membership to discuss their application and secure their statement of support in good time.

Applications are due by 5pm GMT on Thursday 19th September 2024 to Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application by Friday 25th October 2024.