Disobedient Object



Disobedient Object was an exhibition at the V&A. It was about social change and how you can use objects to protest a movement and allow your voice to be heard. The exhibition had posters, protest banners and guides such as ‘how to makeshift tear-gas masks’. I was inspired by Carol Stoakes ‘I wish my boyfriend was as dirty as your policies’. The piece stood out to me because it was bright, amusing, memorable and had more of an impact on me. The exhibition has encouraged me to make my own protest banners.

Feminism and the power of law

Feminism and the power of law is a book by Carol Smart. It discusses law in relation to women’s bodies, feminist politics and topics such as pornography and abortion rights. It was interesting to read a book that includes different feminist thinkers views and challenges the readers way of thinking about women and the law.The booked argued that women’s knowledge and feminism in general is often excluded in law.

Germain Greer: Author and feminist



Germaine Greer is an author and feminist. She has written books on feminism, sex, politics and has made very controversial comments. Although she is very out spoken, she speaks openly about her personal views. Her books are unfiltered and make you question your way of thinking about how women are viewed. From reading her books I feel she is not a feminist who wants women to be equal to men but she is a feminist who wants to celebrate and liberate them.

Ezekiel : Empathy Zine

The Empathy Zine by photographer Ezekiel has a documentary style photography and captures youth during the socially and politically awkward times we are in. To me his work truly represents the youth of today. Although I feel we are concerned and overwhelmed about the future. The zine depicts simpler times when we were less under pressure. Activism, sexual liberation and queer rights are all addressed throughout the zine.

Photographers: Daniel Jack Lyons


Daniel Lyons is a queer activist photographer who captures moments of freedom and liberation. I am drawn to his portraits, particularly the ones of youth. His work is very natural and he does not stereotype or subvert any of his subjects. His photographs show intimate, raw moments between people and make you feel a sense of positivity. The background of his photographs are often very plain, making you focus on the people in them, their expressions, emotions, body language.

Barbara Kruger


Barbara Kruger is an artist whose work incorporates both text and imagery. Her work is recognized for the white-on-red text that she collages over black and white photographs. Her work can focus around topics such as feminism, consumerism and politics and she often uses images, which she has, source from the media.  Kruger’s election issue cover for New York magazine is a well-known piece of her artwork.  The close up, humorous image of Donald Trump stood out to me the most and the word ‘loser’ plastered across his face.  What the piece tells you about Kruger is she is a precarious, witty artist with strong political views that she is no afraid to publicize.