Research and enterprise from the University of Brighton

Category Creative methodologies

Creative methodologies is a rapidly developing area, which cuts across disciplinary boundaries and sectors, with the potential to radically alter how we think about research and practice. We use creative tools, techniques and knowledge to understand more about the worlds in which we live, explore problems, and develop solutions related to health and wellbeing. Our methods are arts-based, transformative, social-justice based, technologically-driven, and/or incorporate innovative mixed-methods, with outputs including poetry, visual art, plays, dance, film and web-based tools. We also work with external partners, adopting a transdisciplinary, collaborative and community-focused approach to research and enterprise.

Event | PGR Online Creative Methods Symposium

The PGR Creative Methods Group would like to invite you to join us for a vibrant symposium on creative research methods on Tue 6th December 14:00-15:30 on Microsoft Teams (use this code to join: 6r81bq6). This session features: Laharee Mitra… Continue Reading →

Developing a Network for Everyday Creativity.

Developing a Network for Everyday Creativity Helen Johnson From July 15th – 16th 2021 a group of academics, community partners and independent researchers with an interest in creative practices met to share our thoughts around everyday creativity.  CAW supported Helen… Continue Reading →

Report | Queer Peers, 15 June 2022

Members of the project team report on the many successes of the Queer Peers project in 2022 How is queer wellbeing nurtured locally, outside of traditional ‘mental health’ care? The Queer Peers project, jointly funded by the Centre for Arts… Continue Reading →

Artist in Residence | Becca Oliver

The Art of Being Queer “When I was in the third grade I thought that I was gay, because I could draw.” – Macklemore 2012   Comical as this may be out of context, the implication remains that a proclivity… Continue Reading →

Call for Submissions: Everyday Creativity: Towards an International Research Network

Monday 13th June 2022 University of Brighton’s Falmer Campus REGISTER HERE: This event is an opportunity to share our ideas, understandings, and ways of working with regard to everyday creativity (EC). It is aimed at: academics and postgraduate researchers… Continue Reading →

Work in Progress | Rebecca Atkinson – Neurologic Music Therapy and neurological rehabilitation

CAW PhD researcher, Rebecca Atkinson, provides an update on her recent research and publications. Earlier this month, Rebecca was featured on BBC Radio 4’s PM show discussing her expertise in music therapy and neurological conditions (52mins), here she is joined… Continue Reading →

Work in Progress | Creative Recovery

CAW members Christina Reading and Jess Moriarty share an update on the recent activity of their CAW-supported project, ‘Creative Recovery’. Exploring new contexts and challenges for creativity post-Covid. In June 2021, we hosted an online networking event that drew on… Continue Reading →

Developing a Network for Everyday Creativity

              From July 15th – 16th 2021 a group of academics, community partners and independent researchers with an interest in creative practices met to share our thoughts around everyday creativity.  CAW supported Helen Johnson… Continue Reading →

Everyday Creativity

The Centre for Arts and Wellbeing’s associate member Nick Ewbank discusses Everyday Creativity in his article Paradigm Shift: Why the Arts Need to Rethink What Matters, published in Arts Professional.

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