Instagram as a Marketing Channel | Harrison Dark’s blog

Visual content is becoming more and more popular on Social Media, thus businesses need to address this shift in emphasis. Businesses, big and small, should be using every channel possible to communicate visually with their fans, customers, potential customers and so on. Instagram is one of the most used-photo sharing applications.

A few statistics which illustrate how many people are using Instagram, which emphasise why your business should be marketing on Instagram:

300 Million Monthly Active Users (as of 12/10/14 – probably more now) (Smith, 2015)

More than 75 million daily Instagram users (as of 12/12/13) (Smith, 2015)

There has been over 20 billion photos shared on the platform (as of 2/01/2015) (Ahmed, 2015)

This blog is going to be assessing how businesses can use Instagram effectively as part of the marketing mix. Within this blog we aim to explain the benefits of marketing on Instagram, then we aim to provide the reader with ways to improve their businesses (of all sizes) Instagram marketing, and exceed the potential it holds.

via Instagram as a Marketing Channel | Harrison Dark’s blog.

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