Year: 2015

Could re-designing you’re website lead to less traffic and sales? | ik71’s blog

Here are a few common mistakes companies make when redesigning their websites: Changing page names How are your customers supposed to find you if you’ve moved URL and not told them! You run the risk of losing the equity of your old URL (Gallagher, 2015) Complicated restructuring Although your website will look new and probably…Continue Reading Could re-designing you’re website lead to less traffic and sales? | ik71’s blog

Email Marketing Personalisation: The good the bad and the ugly | Stef G’s blog

Truly personal brand experiences have become a desirable commodity for users, cutting through the cyber babble and striking a chord with target customers, who want to be treated as an individual, by quickly receiving content they want (The Marketer, 2012). Personalised relationships, are arguably the most important benefit for any sized business using digital media…Continue Reading Email Marketing Personalisation: The good the bad and the ugly | Stef G’s blog

Are QR Codes The Future Of Mobile Marketing or Q-uickly R-eplaceable? | jb590’s blog

In recent years, QR codes have been at the forefront of some very innovative digital marketing campaigns. In fact, overall usage increased by 4000% between 2011 and 2012, with 35-44 year olds being primary users (Matos, 2014). Therefore, it’s clear that QR Codes occupy a clear niche for multimedia marketing, due to being only one…Continue Reading Are QR Codes The Future Of Mobile Marketing or Q-uickly R-eplaceable? | jb590’s blog

CLICK HERE for a selection of helpful tips to aid your email marketing endeavours! | zh38’s blog

Hopefully you understood the call-to-action and incentive offered in the title of this blog? If yes, we’re off to a good start! Now, let’s talk digital marketing and this time the topic is centered on e-mail marketing and the benefits that your business could encounter from putting some simple procedures in place. As according to…Continue Reading CLICK HERE for a selection of helpful tips to aid your email marketing endeavours! | zh38’s blog

Blogs, Vlogs and Videos of Dogs… What is User Generated Content? | Aisha Merrick

In their article for Persuasive Computing, IEEE Journal Krumm, Davies & Narayanaswami (2008) suggest that user generated content refers to information or media that is contributed to the internet and in many cases we may not be consciously aware that we even are supplying the content. For example, as recognised by Cook (2008) in his…Continue Reading Blogs, Vlogs and Videos of Dogs… What is User Generated Content? | Aisha Merrick

6 Steps To Creating A Valuable Email Marketing Campaign | sls33’s blog

Has your company sent out emails to clients only to be ignored? Feel like you don’t know what is making them ineffective We have all opened our mail box and seen the long list of spam emails, which we then proceed to discard and never think about again. If you aren’t effectively grabbing the attention…Continue Reading 6 Steps To Creating A Valuable Email Marketing Campaign | sls33’s blog

Now here’s a product I really love….. | gdb13’s blog

With the never ending rise in celebrity driven social media where status is measured in the number of likes, favourites or retweets then it was perhaps inevitable that commercial exploitation would follow with the placement of products in tweets, Instagram photo’s or on Facebook. This new form of digital marketing blurs the line between traditional…Continue Reading Now here’s a product I really love….. | gdb13’s blog

Digital Marketing Students hear how the Penguins and Mobile helped John Lewis enjoy a record e-commerce Christmas

In the final session of three, in which industry practitioners came to Brighton Business School to share insight into their role, and the growing importance of digital, Zoe (Pearson) Ashford, UK & Ireland Marketing Manager at John Lewis, will talk about the role of mobile in marketing and retail. Zoe, a graduate of Brighton Business…Continue Reading Digital Marketing Students hear how the Penguins and Mobile helped John Lewis enjoy a record e-commerce Christmas