Month: June 2015

The Perfect Solution To Maximise Your Twitter Campaign… | kls30’s blog

Social networks such as; Twitter, provide advertisers with information about the consumers. This technique is crucial, as it provides the businesses with a “target audience” (Vryniotis, 2010). Using customer influencers from Twitter can be an efficient and cost-effective method to launch new products or services. This type of social media strategy allows a business to…Continue Reading The Perfect Solution To Maximise Your Twitter Campaign… | kls30’s blog

Is your business using the power of Facebook to its full potential? | Natalie Golding

Social media platforms are becoming an ever more important feature of an organisation’s media mix (Peters et al, 2013) and The Washington Post has recently commented that Facebook has almost as many users as the entire population of China (Dewey, 2014). I’m not sure what Mark Zuckerberg envisioned when he started the now-social-giant whilst at…Continue Reading Is your business using the power of Facebook to its full potential? | Natalie Golding

Content Marketing: How are JISA providers doing it? | Content Marketing and Social Media

Evidence strongly suggests that content marketing can be very valuable in terms of building consumer trust and reputations of expertise (Kristen, 2013). This is particularly important in financial services as consumers now demand to see evidence before trusting in financial service providers since the 2008 financial crisis sent trust levels plummeting (Johnson and Peterson, 2014)….Continue Reading Content Marketing: How are JISA providers doing it? | Content Marketing and Social Media

Measuring success of social media consumer engagement: A look at Engage Mutual’s Twitter channel using Sashi’s (2012) customer engagement cycle | Content Marketing and Social Media

With 15% of the UK’s 40 largest websites by traffic volume being attributed to social networking sites, companies are increasingly turning to social media for customer engagement (, 2015; Peters et al, 2013). This seems like a good idea as companies can get their message out to a large audience at a low cost (Hanna,…Continue Reading Measuring success of social media consumer engagement: A look at Engage Mutual’s Twitter channel using Sashi’s (2012) customer engagement cycle | Content Marketing and Social Media

Minimising the risks of social media: Considerations for corporate social media policies | Content Marketing and Social Media

With many attractive attributes, such as vast reach and low costs, it’s not surprising that experts estimate that over 80% of marketers use social media (Whiting and Williams, 2013). However, not all corporate social media is successful and some activities can even be damaging as companies have very little control over messages once they are…Continue Reading Minimising the risks of social media: Considerations for corporate social media policies | Content Marketing and Social Media

What factors determine the reach of your content? | Content Marketing and Social Media

While a full blown viral campaign may seem unachievable for many, studying what drives the most successful viral campaigns could provide valuable insight to content marketers in terms of creating communicable marketing content. So what are the key factors for successful traction of marketing campaigns across the web? Triggering an Emotion Berger and Milkman (2012)…Continue Reading What factors determine the reach of your content? | Content Marketing and Social Media

What are organisations using social media for? | Content Marketing and Social Media

Research shows that 88% of marketers are using social media (Whiting and Williams, 2013), but without strategic marketing planning and specific goals in the long run, over-extension and lack of vision can lead to the failure of any marketing activity (Abdallah and Langley, 2014). So what is the purpose of having a corporate social media…Continue Reading What are organisations using social media for? | Content Marketing and Social Media

How Personal is Too Personal – Personalisation in Email Marketing | Sophie Koudoua’s Blog

The popular opinion of managers is that personalisation is essential for improved email response rates (Ellis-Chadwick & Doherty, 2012). But how personal should a company be with their emails? Is the email going to capture the attention of the recipient or will it leave somebody worrying what personal information of their’s is recorded in a…Continue Reading How Personal is Too Personal – Personalisation in Email Marketing | Sophie Koudoua’s Blog

Get Social – Key Reasons Why Social Media is Great for Business | Sophie Koudoua’s Blog

Using Facebook enables you to improve brand awareness and build your brand an identity. When customers and prospects can engage with your brand on social media, it gives your brand a human voice that they can relate to (Robshaw-Bryan, 2013). In addition, when your business activities are being posted on the newsfeed of customers, you…Continue Reading Get Social – Key Reasons Why Social Media is Great for Business | Sophie Koudoua’s Blog

From Likes to Being Liked – Social Media as a Customer Feedback Mechanism | Sophie Koudoua’s Blog

Social media usage is growing at a phenomenal pace, with close to two billion users across multiple social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. This figure continues to grow at double-digit rates (Kasian-Lew, 2014) What does this mean for businesses? It definitely makes the customer service more transparent. The power is no longer…Continue Reading From Likes to Being Liked – Social Media as a Customer Feedback Mechanism | Sophie Koudoua’s Blog