University of Brighton Alumni Association


Mindfulness and Music are my medicine: The Business graduate who opened a Yoga studio, created a Kids Yoga Brand and is set to challenge society with her Music

Loni’s story in her own words….

Hello! My name is Loni Lincoln and I graduated from the UoB with a Degree in Business Management. I studied Business Ethics with Babak and it was here that I found a real love for sustainability and businesses that have ethics at the heart of their mission. This really inspired me to look at my future in a different way. It was also whilst being in Brighton that I started to venture out with my music. My first release Shadow Boxing was recorded in Brighton.

Autism restaurant staff

I actually found it really hard to get a job out of University but what I’ve realised looking back is that I was collating various skills through different experiences that I could use later on in my career.

I became involved in charity work and building better services for others in need. In 2016 my team was awarded by The National Autistic Society for creating the first Autism Friendly British MuseumRestaurant in London.

During this time I also discovered yoga and became involved with many projects and events that created a safe and fun space for yoga and mindfulness. I’ve gone on to open my own studio – Sequoia Yoga and created my own kids brand Super Yogis LTD.

I was able to bring my music to the yoga world and I was lucky enough to play at The Geffrey Museum, Chelsea Town Hall & The British Museum. I was involved with a company called Just Breathe who eventually brought me on to their Artist “Inspire Programme”, which aimed to elevate art in the community. Making of No Walls – Just Breathe.

This lead to the release of my first Album entitled “No Walls”. A series of songs to inspire, soothe, comfort. Listen Here

This week I will be celebrating the release of my follow up EP called “Where have the heroes gone”. This EP almost didn’t happen because of the pandemic, but with a lot of help from people in my life and The Arts Council, I was able to record and it has been such a wonderful thing to see come together. I’ve been trying as best I can to employ musicians throughout to give them work and I will be employing actors and dancers for my music videos in the future.

Listen to the new EP here

Loni album cover

Follow my music on insta @lonilincoln and @lonilincolnyoga

I’ve recently just filmed a music video in Brighton that will be released in the next 6 months.

University gave me a chance to venture into areas that I had no idea about. My favourite modules were Ethics, Behavioural Economics and Financial & Capital Markets. It really challenged what I regarded as my values and I looked at the world at completely different way. Loni image
My favourite memory from Brighton is when we all went to Eastbourne for a birthday and about 20 of us ended up in the sea!

One piece of advice that I would give to students is, have fun but also look after your mental health. I really wish I had found yoga at University.

Finally, follow your happiness and your values and they will show you the way.

Loni Lincoln x

Nic Ashton • October 20, 2020

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  1. Cliff gates October 24, 2020 - 12:13 pm Reply

    There is a very interesting book dealing with the plasticity of the human brain. You might be interested in the chapter dealing with music effects on young autistic children.
    The brain that changes itself. Norman Doidge

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