week 3 reflection media technologies and social change

in this weeks lecture and seminar we were introduced ways of thinking in the analysis of the relationships between media, technologies and social change. about the birth of the internet or online internet. we discussed how the first exchange between two computers in the USA were able to send and receive the word Login. we talked about how the web and the internet are two different things, which was interesting as i would have thought them to be the same thing. the lecture went on to talk about how this paved the way for social change as it introduced us to electronic mail or E-Mail and how in the 2005 on wards its brought us social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

in our seminar we were split into two groups and given the task to answer a question. our question was; ‘are we more of a democracy because of the internet?’. our group was given the task to explain why ‘it has’. where started of with writing down a list of reasons why it has. we came up with reasons such a online petitions, online movements, such as the #MeToo movement etc. we also spoke about how information it free and access to it is very easy as you a can visit any school in the country or library to have access to the internet. we also spoke about how people are able to use social media to voice their opinion about a certain topic. we then debated the other group hows question was the opposite to ours.