Advanced Engineering Centre


Chris Stafford

Funded PhD Studentships: Exciting Research Opportunities

A number of projects within the AEC are seeking applicants for 3-year PhD studentships: Modelling advanced marine engines with sustainable fuels Project themes: Green shipping, marine engines, sustainable fuels, thermofluids modelling, chemical kinetics Experimental development of efficient combustion systems using… Continue Reading →

Research Fellow in Modelling of Multiphase Flows and Sprays

Applications are invited from highly motivated researchers to work as part of a research team, working on the project ‘Next generation spray simulation model (NGSSM)’. This project is supported by the UK Research & Innovation’s flagship Future Leaders Fellowship scheme… Continue Reading →

AEC Researchers on BBC Radio Sussex

Researchers from the AEC that carried out experiments on the recent European Space Agency parabolic flight campaign followed this up with an interview on BBC Radio Sussex about the experience. Brighton project lead Dr Nicolas Miche and MEng student Erin… Continue Reading →

Postgraduate Research Day 2023

The Advanced Engineering Centre recently organised a research day for postgraduate research students to present their work. This provided the opportunity for students to showcase their work to the wider centre membership, and gather feedback. The research presented spanned the… Continue Reading →

Parabolic Flight Campaign Nov 2023

Researchers from the University of Brighton spent last week suspended in space-like conditions as they put two experiments through their paces during weightless parabolic flights. The two projects tested, GELL-P and DEPLOY!, both have potential applications for space exploration and… Continue Reading →

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