work by ellie davies

Graduates 2024: Ellie Davies: Fine Art Painting

“I chose Fine Art Painting as there aren’t many painting courses in the country… I’ve loved having a dedicated working space for myself.”

Hi Ellie. Please tell us a bit about your work and your influences

“My name is Ellie Davies and I am a figurative painter inspired by folklore and mythology to ‘The Witch’ archetype and childhood superstition. I am additionally inspired by the work and life of the female surrealists.”

What made you choose Fine Art Painting?

“I chose Fine Art Painting as there aren’t many painting courses in the country.”

Can you tell us about your favourite part of your studies and how it helped the development of you and your practice

“My favourite part of my studies has been my studio space as I’ve loved having a dedicated working space for myself.”

What does Brighton mean to you?

“Brighton is a special place in my opinion, it’s a very creative city with lots of creative people that are very welcoming.”

Follow Ellie on Instagram

Find out about studying Fine Art Painting at Brighton.

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