work by archie mason

Graduates 2024: Archie Mason: Graphic Design

“Brighton has given me all of the things I wanted when I was a teenager. The friends I have here have helped me to become a person that I am proud to be.”

Please tell us a bit about your work and your influences

“My work often focuses on form and interactivity, whether that is with the viewer, or the other elements within the work. I like to adopt a clean style with bursts of my personality. I also have a love for typography, and always try to choose perfect quirks for my projects. This interest was greatly influenced by my love and interest in graffiti, which developed a much greater appreciation for letter and word structure. I am mostly influenced by my friends and family, who always provide a voice of reason.”

What made you choose your course?

“I chose my course halfway through my first year of Law, as I became frustrated with a lack of creative output. My dad being a designer pushed me in the right direction!”

Can you tell us about your favourite part of your studies and how it helped the development of you and your practice.

“My favourite part of my studies is coming into the studios, whether for workshops or just off my own back. Over the years I have been able to bounce ideas off of all of my peers and get useful feedback to better establish my work.”

Can you tell us about any staff who particularly inspired you?

“Gavin Fry, Katie Evans, Margherita Huntley, Helen Gibbs, and June who works in the art shop! I owe so much to these people.”

What does Brighton mean to you now?

“Brighton has given me all of the things I wanted when I was a teenager. The friends I have here have helped me to become a person that I am proud to be.”

Can you tell us your plans after graduation?

“To stay happy and enjoy myself.

Finally if you could give your 17 year old self any advice about going to university what would it be?

“Keep drawing!”

Follow Archie on Instagram @seven.ache

Find out about studying Graphic Design at Brighton.

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