Graduates 2022: Sofia Smith: Photography MA

“I was particularly interested in the course at Brighton because it has a focus in the early stages on experimentation and theory, which was perfect for me as I my undergraduate degree was in English literature and creative writing.”

Please tell us a bit about your work and your influences

“Using predominantly archive and appropriated imagery, my art practice engages with acts of collection, obsession and compulsion in order to explore the history of photography and the visual languages we use. 

One of the projects I’m currently working on is a digital archive that examines the narrative visual trope of women looking out windows in contemporary television and cinema.”

How have you found your course and time at Brighton?

“The pandemic happened during the second term of the MA in the year that I began the course, and as you can imagine the trajectory of my education had to take an unexpected swerve. Looking back, I can say that without the support of the hard working and incredibly knowledgeable technicians and lecturers I would not have finished at all. The work I have produced has been met with a generosity of interest that has been essential in helping me feel like I can confidently take steps toward the next phase of my education.”

How did you choose your course – why did you choose to study Photography MA?

“I chose to study photography because I wanted to broaden my practical skills and develop a robust art practice that could serve my interest in the intersection between writing and photography. I was particularly interested in the course at Brighton because it has a focus in the early stages on experimentation and theory, which was perfect for me as I my undergraduate degree was in English Literature and creative writing.”

What are your plans after graduation?

“After graduation I plan to take a little break from studying before hopefully beginning a PhD which will further cement my combined art and writing practice by allowing me to write about the history of photography while producing projects and work along the way. I am also part of a photography collective called Difficult Darkroom Womxn and I know the others are keen to organise an exhibition for the upcoming Photo Fringe at the Brighton Biennial this year, so keep your eye out!”

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