Graduates throwing their hats in the air

Our first Town Planning Chartered Apprenticeship graduates

It was a proud moment for the MSc Town Planning and MSc Town Planning (Chartered Apprenticeship) course team when 22 of its students graduated in February this year.

We were delighted that so many could attend the Graduation Ceremony at the Brighton Centre, one of the first to be held ‘in person’. This was an especially poignant and moving ceremony for staff, given the success the students had achieved during a very challenging time of remote teaching and lockdowns in the Covid-19 pandemic.

This year also saw the first cohort of MSc Town Planning (Chartered Apprenticeship) students graduate since the route was offered in September 2019, following its Trailblazer status.

The dual Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) and Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) accreditation of the course, the only one of its kind on the south coast, will equip the students for rewarding and successful careers in town planning, and we wish the students all the very best for the future

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