Graduates 2021: Isis Boundy: Photography

“I really loved going to the photography studios the most, as you can create whatever environment you want in there.”

Please tell us a bit about your work and your influences

My Practice is fuelled by my curiosity of the world around us and the human experience. Trying to find beauty in things that are overlooked. I’ve always been interested in fashion photography and the visuals that are often used in printed material such as ID, Dazed and Hunger magazine.

I love bright and colourful eye-catching work, one of my favourite artists is Izumi Miyazaki; she takes a humorous approach to photo taking with an emphasis on bright colours.

When it comes to my practice, I often take a somewhat sporadic approach. The concept behind my work arises through the process of creating a piece. Eventually becoming more intentional as a theme emerges, and a developed concept becomes the project.

How have you found your course and time at Brighton?

I’ve really enjoyed my time in Brighton, it’s such a lovely town, bustling with so much natural beauty in the surrounding areas. It’s crazy that we are lucky enough to have a beach on our doorstep. The course has allowed me to develop my technical abilities further by the amazing facilities at the university (when they’re open!).

I really loved going to the photography studios the most, as you can create whatever environment you want in there. The technical staff are always helpful and lovely to chat to! I am a bit melancholic as to the ending of our final year as covid affected our final degree show and it was moved online. Whilst of course I understand the necessity I feel it’s a heart-breaking end to a three year course as we didn’t really get to celebrate with one another.

How did you choose your course – why did you choose to study Creative Writing?

Well, initially I was studying Economics at a different university and despite also liking the subject I found myself spending a bit to much time doing photography instead of studying my actual degree.  In the end I decided to drop out of my Economics degree and despite the uncertainty, pursue what I have always loved the most which is photography.

What are your plans after graduation?

My plans after graduation are somewhat uncertain, I want to pursue a career in fashion photography. I’m not sure how to get there yet but I know I’ll figure out a way. I think for now whilst the pandemic is still around, I’ll focus on enjoying what time I have left in Brighton as much as possible.

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