Graduate Show 2019: Holly Titchener: Graphic Design

I like making visual connections between photographs and using them in a collage format.

A lot of my work has focused on documenting a specific subject and exploring that through photography. I experiment a lot with visual feedback and process, manipulating photography and type with various analogue methods. I’m interested in fashion campaigns, lookbooks and art direction.

 Please tell us about your final year project

You Were Unmindful of the Rock That Bore You, a book focusing on women and religion. I researched Goddesses and the idea that God could be a woman. Historically, Goddesses have been represented through stone structures. In the bible, Deuteronomy refers to God as a rock that ‘bore’ humanity, which has been interpreted as a sign to God’s gender through the references to birthing.

Looking at the two main contrasting female symbols; the Virgin Mary and Mary Magdalene, Mary Magdalene was wrongfully viewed as prostitute whilst Mary was celebrated as the Virgin Mother. The book uses film representations of prostitutes to contrast the rocks (symbolising birthing) and 32 (being the chapter of Deuteronomy that refers to God as a rock) church doors that I visited, representing openings much like the female body.

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How have you found your course/time at Brighton?

I have enjoyed the experimentation that Brighton encourages and the freedom to create anything you want, the lack of restrictions has meant the course has let me find my niche and what I enjoy making most after trying out so many styles and mediums, the tutors have really built up my confidence. I have made some great friends and am very sad to leave!

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What are your plans after Graduation?

After graduating I will be moving back to London, using all of the skills I have learnt at Brighton over the three years and hopefully looking for an internship within design.

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