Tensgerity by Ellen Mulcrone

Arts Thread x Greenpeace award for 3D alumna

Ellen Mulcrone who studied 3D Design & Craft at Brighton has won the Disrupt Black Friday design competition with her project Tensegrity. The MAKE SMTHNG competition, which received 87 entries from all over the world, is all about “believing that through creativity, community and an unbeatable maker spirit we can change the world and stop over-consumption.”

Ellen’s Tensgerity project was inspired by a community centre she built in a refugee camp, Greece. The problems she encountered were an abundance of waste clothing donations and women and children staying in tents that felt unsafe. In response to this she used the fabric to build a safe space.

The panel of judges comprised Greenpeace and ArtsThread representatives as well as artist duo Guerra de la Paz and Sass Brown, Founding Dean of the Dubai Institute.

Find out more about Ellen’s Tensgerity project.

Find out more about studying 3D Design & Craft BA(Hons) at Brighton.


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