Fine Art Painting graduate comes runner-up in prestigious art prize

Painting graduate Felicity Meacham has been placed second in a national art competition for graduates.

Felicity Meacham, who studied Fine Art Painting, came runner-up in the final of the Graduate Art Prize 2018 for her piece ‘I’m Alright, Hiding Tonight’.

Felicity earned the accolade from a shortlist made up of 23 graduates from around the UK. The prize was launched in 2012 by art consultants ARTIQ. The ceremony was held at the London offices of the award’s sponsor, law firm Herbert Smith Freehills.

Reacting to the announcement, Felicity said she was “in shock”. She added: “I am delighted and overwhelmed to receive the runner-up prize. I’m so grateful for all the votes and support. We actually turned up an hour late to the ceremony, having gone out for pizza, and found out they had been waiting for me to award the prize – oops.”

There are a number of perks to coming runner-up in the prize: Felicity has the chance to sign with ARTIQ, the leading art consultancy in the UK, a partnership which involves having her work rented in various office spaces. Felicity also receives £500 worth of art supplies.

She said: “The Graduate Art Prize and competitions alike are so important in order for artists still fresh out of art school to have viable careers.”

The vibrant artwork that won Felicity the runner-up place, ‘I’m Alright, Hiding Tonight’ depicts an anonymous figure sprawled out on an ornate floor. Of the inspiration behind the piece, Felicity said: “With a light sense of humour and effusive colour and decoration I aim to create a utopian world where hope overcomes our current mundane political issues and all cultures can live in harmony.”

Felicity has fond memories of studying at the University of Brighton and describes the city as “vibrant and welcoming – I had never felt more at home”.

She added: “I absolutely adored my time at Brighton. After applying for general Fine Art courses and not feeling it was right for me, I had found Brighton’s specialist painting course. I remember thinking on my first day, ‘Finally I have found my people’. For three lovely years, Monday to Saturday, I would be painting beside the best of friends, talking about painting all day long. What more could you want?”

For more information on the University’s BA Fine Art Painting degree visit:



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