Graduates 2017: Dale John Allen

“My work explores themes surrounding social-politics of representation, particularly within the LGBT community, as well a creating work to challenge the stigma surrounding mental illness.”

Can you tell us a bit about your work Dale?

“My aim is to challenge viewers’ outlook on topics generally misrepresented within film and media, as expressed in my autobiographical short, A Film About Love, which won the short-film award from San-Francisco based Art with Impact. The film is currently part of the organisations film screening programme touring the USA, which has included a screening at Google HQ in California.

My current practices toys with blurring the boundaries between art and pornography. I’m specifically interested in exploring new ways to frame imagery which is generally deemed explicit to challenge these pre-conceived ideas.”

Dale John Allen

Who are your influences?

“I’m influenced by a variety of artists and filmmakers; Robert Mapplethorpe, Lars Von Trier, Andrew Haigh, Marina Abramović. I love performance art and always try to include an element of performance within my moving image work. I also get a lot of my inspiration from queer artists I know or follow through social media.”

Dale John Allen


Can you tell us about your final project?

“Hugo, XO explores societies ‘shame culture’ surrounding sex, specifically aimed at the queer viewer designed to reflect societies prudish, damaging and shaming obsession with sex, gossip, rumours and prejudice. The film documents the homosexuals explicit and graphic sexual ‘confessions’ in order to challenge shame, and what, or who, decides sexual behaviour is shameful.”

What are your plans after you graduate?

“I’ve just been offered a place at Manchester Metropolitan to study an MA in filmmaking.”

Dale John Allen

How did you find the course?

“Studying Moving Image has allowed me the freedom to be as experimental as I wish with what I create. There isn’t a rigid formula you’re supposed to follow and every students work is different. It’s inspiring to see so many varied approaches to filmmaking. The theoretical modules are particularly interesting as you learn an incredible amount about the history of cinema which can be applied to your own practice.

Brighton is an amazing place to be an LGBT artist. The community is so welcoming and diverse.”

Visit Dale’s website

Find out more about BA(Hons) Moving Image 


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