Analyzing the data

Today I finished off the last bits of classifying the tweets, this included: Breaking down the Spanish and English language groups to find out what parts of the world the tweets in this language are originating from, identifying if the tweets are retweets and identifying if the users have tweeted about suicide squad more than once. In between I also went for a meeting with Lisa from STEM Sussex to get some advice before I start my research report.

Finally, I could begin with the analysis of the data (the fun part!). I began with the analysis of the new categories I created today. I then began a process SPSS calls “Crosstabulation” (What a strange and funny word), which basically means comparing two columns of data and counting each instance of for example an “English tweet – Popular tweeter”. This revealed a lot of useful information, this is all in the spreadsheet below.

Edit: Attachment added

Summary of results for Wednesday

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