Screening the Unreal 2018

One-Day Symposium: Wednesday 4 July, 1000-1730

Grand Parade 225/214

This one-day symposium will draw on scholars from within and outside the University of Brighton to explore screen depictions of fantasy, horror, the supernatural, the futuristic, the weird and the uncanny. Taking place on Grand Parade campus this event will showcase research activities across the School of Media and beyond, illustrating the expansive range of media and culture incorporated by the diverse and multidisciplinary field of Screen Studies.

Screening the Unreal will cover film, television and digital media, as well as the cultures which surround them. The line-up currently includes papers on early trick photography, 1980s fantasy film, Gothic videogames, avant-garde cinema, children’s television and online media. Such themes as haunted landscapes, folk horror, digital storytelling, teenage masculinity, star studies and performance, uncanny blogging and artificial intelligence will feature.

The event celebrates the launch of the Screen Studies Research and Enterprise Group.

Keep tabs on developments on Twitter @fss_UoB.

Click right to book your free ticket. Lunch and refreshments will be provided. Contact Ewan Kirkland ( for further details.

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