My Experience Working on a Digital Marketing Group Presentation

IT282 Group Assignment- Reflections on my Digital Marketing Group Assignment

Task- A group assignment proving a digital marketing presentation analysing and developing  ‘Pure Electric’s’ marketing campaign, a new emerging business in the electric vehicle (EV) industry.

Learn more about marketing campaigns.


Image result for pure electric

In the planning phase of the assignment my group was able to get together early on, forming group chats and channels where we could introduce our selves to each other and communicate, share ideas and work on the task at hand. This allowed me to get to know others and provided an experience in collaborating and being involved in group work.

Using WhatsApp and Microsoft Teams we discussed what we had to do and structured our approach, laying out our slides and making decisions on what business to choose and what key areas were relevant to analyse. This helped share our collective thoughts and perspectives in collaborating together, we managed this well and everyone was respectable and no conflict arose.

Some problems did arise as we all had differing degrees meaning we all had different time available to work on our parts. We involved each of us in a process of discussing and listing strength and weaknesses for all our headings on a shared PowerPoint document. We then evenly distributed the work so that we could work on it in our own times. Of course this comes with its own problems however, by staying active on our group chats we could talk and help each other where needed; sharing research, tips and ideas.

(Guide to Group Working)

Overall the process went well despite group projects being difficult at times as individuals may have different styles and preferences to displaying and presenting work. The challenge was bringing it all together as a team and concluding our views of research in a coherent and insightful way, tying in all concurrent features of the business ‘Pure Electric’ and offering our recommended improvements.

Working with remote learning we as a team of 5 meant that to function well as a team we had to have good communication. By voting on decisions we could avoid arguments and meant involvement of every member this resulted in simple decisions as choices could be settled with a majority vote and any considerations could be debated, no one was rude and it was a positive workspace.

The skills I learned from this experience are being open in sharing my ideas in planning ahead and brainstorming for decision making. This has overall helped improve my group projects as planning ahead will give your group more time to refine your work, where as typically it is left to the last moment. Communication is always key in groupwork. I learned how to be patient as other members often had other exams to attend, therefore it is sometimes best to do what you think is right then present it to your team later to get improvements. I have also gained valuable experience in my presenting skills and digital marketing knowledge- Understanding how digital processes are changing organisations which will help my employability in the future.


Learn More About Digital Marketing Here. (Dave Chaffey & PR Smith, Digital Marketing Excellence, 5th edn)





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