BIG briefing day – 27-02-17

Today we received 5 briefs, a lot to take in but I’m quietly excited about them all, apart from the workload coming all at once.

The first brief was Mastering Grid Systems. This project requires producing a lot of work, but I have always enjoyed doing editorial/magazine style work, but I’ve never followed a specific grid before. Interesting, different, contemporary page layout was one of the main things that drew me to graphic design, and I’ve always appreciated flicking through a well manufactured magazine with really lovely paper and a layout that makes me want to read the content. A lot of the time its the page layout that makes someone purchase a magazine/journal before actually engaging in what the content is. So I’m excited to create my own interesting layout. In terms of the article, Ive had an edge to look into skate lifestyle and fashion, and its something thats always interested me, so i’d like to find or even write my own piece around that subject. I’m also interested in incorporating my own images into the article, potentially taking urban street style type images with a film camera of some skate style around Brighton and Bristol.

The next brief we received was the kerning exercise. I have tried to kern before but I’ve not got much experience, so I’m happy to be teaching myself this skill as I’m sure it will be extremely useful in the future. Im excited to hopefully print some really nice, crisp final images of my kerned words. I have a feeling its going to be a lot harder than I’m anticipating so I’m gunna try and not leave this until the last minute.

The next 2 briefs were our new archives. The first one titled “Graphic Formulas” and the second called “A foot in the door”. Both seem interesting but will be a lot of work. One of my main fall backs last semester was the fact that I left my archives until the last minute, and they weren’t as rich as they could have been. I hope to put aside one day a week t work on my archives to avoid history repeating itself, especially as “A foot in the door” could be extremely useful for me in the future, so I want to put a lot more effort into it than i did with my colour and type archives.

The last brief we were given was The art of accident. This brief seems very broad to me, which is good because its given me an outlet to experiment with ideas I’ve had for a while. I like the thought of creating work that isn’t as planned as usual and celebrating the mistakes that I make within the experimental process that is pushed in this brief. The themes I’m interested in are things like encapsulating a moment of time, present moment, visualise what you cannot see, if walls could talk and a few more. The formats I’m interested in are mainly the different book options, like an accordion fold book, books within books and experimenting with paper engineering. I have book arts on the 17th so I’m hoping to start experimenting with paper engineering then. My initial ideas are to incorporate drawing to music, an idea I’ve been wanting to play with for a while, with a lot of experimenting with various different mediums. Or potentially incorporating the many screen shots i take on FaceTime to my family members, and trying to work in the theme “visualise what you cannot see”.

Overall, a lot of work and a lot to think about, but also lots to be excited about and get stuck into.

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