LM111 Reflection 1

One issue I had during the course of my first half semester in LM111 was that i missed a significant portion of the first few weeks due to problems in my personal life. This meant that I was a disadvantage for things like the presentation in class and for these reflections as i had not read all the readings etc. Now, however, with the help of my tutor who gave me an outline of what was needed and gave me all the necessary materials to catch up, i successfully completed the presentation and have caught up on a good portion of the readings. I am now working through Easter to complete the rest of the materials needing catching up on and am feeling positive that i will pass all my modules this semester.

This slip up has given me valuable experience and knowledge for the future and for future semesters/modules. i.e. how to organise myself better and how  to avoid situations like this where i find myself fairly behind with any of my work. Overall I do not regret my experience this semester even if it has been slightly stressful as it will mean that future modules will be a lot smoother and better planned.

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