Week 4 – Information Society Theories

In this weeks lecture and seminar, the question asked was based around what is what is information, our seminar group decided that it can be split into three categories; knowledge, details and facts.

“IS theories designate a particular vision of developments arising from the growing use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the acquisition, storage and processing of information” (Mansell, 2008:2)

This allowed me to understand that the amount of innovations within communication and information technologies can help provide many digitalised models with the tools needed to create new developments. I then knew that, as the time went on and the newer versions of technology would then suggest that it is more reliable and faster to increase the carriage capacity.

We then found out that the increasing volume of information being exchanged would make it cheaper to transport the information through the many technologies available, this is the most common use of information society theories, I knew this from the ICT developments. I found that over 4.1 billion people (54.4% of the world’s population) is now (2018) connected to the internet. This can suggest that, information advancements has been an unpredictable increase over the past few years.

Hence, this then allowed me to understand how the importance of information technologies has helped society progress over the previous years.

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